What We Believe
In Matthew 16:18, Jesus promised to build a church. In Acts 2:47, Luke tells us that people were being added to that church. Thus, we can conclude that Jesus built His church sometime between His promise in Matthew 16 and Luke’s statement in Acts 2. Indeed, a closer study of the events in Acts 2 reveals that the Lord’s church was established on that first day of Pentecost following the Lord’s resurrection when Peter preached the first gospel sermon. That church is the church of Christ.
A common misconception about the church of Christ is that “The Church of Christ” is its name. The church of Christ is a descriptive phrase that declares its owner- Christ. The church of Christ is the church that belongs to Christ, that was established by Christ, that was built by Christ, and that was bought by Christ. It is not our church; it is His church, the Lord’s church. We are not voted into the church by men, and we do not join a church the way some might join a country club. Instead, God adds us to His church when we obey His gospel.
Are those in the church of Christ the only people who are going to be saved? Of course they are! God adds people to His church when they are saved. If you are not in the Lord’s church, then you are not saved. If you are saved, then you are in the Lord’s church. To be saved outside of the church of Christ is to be saved outside of the body of Christ – and that can never happen. Jesus is not just a way to the Father; he is the way to the Father. As Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
Thus, the real question is not what is the church of Christ, but is rather how do you become a part of the church of Christ? That question was asked in the first century as it is asked today, and the answer remains the same. We are saved and added to the Lord’s church when we obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. Like the Apostle Paul, we are saved when our sins are washed away at our baptism.
There is one church of Christ. If you are a member of something else or something more or something less, then you are not serving God according to His plan or according to His will. He wants you to be a Christian and only a Christian, wearing only the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the head and the savior of the church, His body.
Our Beliefs On Worship
Jesus taught how those who followed Him were to worship God. He declared... "God is a spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24)
Below are our beliefs on the five acts of worship:
The Lord's Supper. The memorial feast of unleavened bread and fruit of the vine, observed each Lord's day in commemoration of Christ's death & sacrifice for our sins (Acts 2:24, 20:7; 1 Cor. 11:23-26)
Congregational Singing of songs of praise & exhortation to encourage and educate in spiritual truths. (Eph. 5:19; Colossians 3:16).
We believe the following below is not in accordance with the will of God, as it is not orderly (1 Cor. 14:40). We also believe it is a sinful act if a congregation or preacher fellowships with congregations and preachers who practice the following below (Eph. 5:11; 2 John 1:9-11):
Hand Clapping
Bass Micing/Bass Singing
Any sort of musical instrument
Having multiple song leaders singing at once is not in accordance with the will of God.
Bible Preaching presenting simple and understandable studies from God's word to exhort, rebuke, and build faith (Acts 2:42 & 20:7).
Prayers offered with humble appeals of request and thankfulness to God through Jesus Christ (Acts 2:42; 1 Thess. 5:17).
Voluntary Contribution (1 Cor. 16:1-2; 2 Cor. 9:6-7).